This mod was created basically on a whim and out of curiosity with Minecraft's handling of entities and their rendering. Over the weekend I made a couple of ideas and just took the ones I thought worked.
The basic idea is to add a bunch of mobs to Minecraft that would fit in with vanilla and not be distracting. I also wish to give each mob their own quirks, traits and even some special AI methods.
The current mobs added are
- Cultist of the Dark Lepus
- Energy Ghost
- Elephant
- Fire ant
- Mummy
- Field Mouse
- Mantikitten
- Living Armor
- Infested Villager
Check out the images section for screenshots of these mobs
More are planned for the future.
Mod Pack policy - You have my permission to use include this mod in any modpack, public or private, provided that credit is given, the source files are not modified and the overall mod pack is distributed free of charge.