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Cobblemon Unchained


Add some spice to your Cobblemon world by adding hidden abilities, shiny boosts, and guaranteed perfect IVs to wild spawning Pokémon, based on the points nearby users have accumulated with KOs, KO streaks, captures, and capture streaks for that Pokémon’s species.


Hidden Booster

The Hidden Booster module gives spawning Pokémon the opportunity to spawn with their hidden ability. Each threshold grants a chance out of marble chances that the spawning Pokémon will unlock their hidden ability slot. The default values for hiddenBoost.json5 make it so that a player who most recently KO’d a given species, or someone who has KO’d at least 99 of a given species will give that species a 1 in 5 (20%) chance to spawn with its hidden ability 64 blocks around that player.

Shiny Booster

The Shiny Booster module enhances the likelihood of encountering shiny Pokémon spawns. With each threshold reached, the chances of encountering a shiny Pokémon during spawn increase. The default settings of shinyBoost.json5 with Cobblemon's default configuration values give the following shiny spawn rates: 2/8196 for a KO streak of 100+, 3/8196 for 300+, 4/8196 for 500+, and for all other cases 1/8196.

IV Booster

The IV Booster module gives spawning Pokémon guaranteed perfect IVs based on the highest of a nearby player’s points. With the default ivBoost.json5, a capture streak of 5+ gives 1, 10+ gives 2, 20+ gives 3, and 30+ gives 4.


Each module comes with its own config. The first few properties allow you to specify the amount of points awarded for KOs, KO Streaks, captures, and capture streaks. For example, the default config for the IV Booster gives awards 0 points for all but capture streaks, which award 1 point towards the threshold. This means that for each capture in your current capture streak, you will be awarded 1 point towards the threshold.


Cobblemon Modrinth / CurseForge

Fabric Language Kotlin Modrinth / CurseForge

Cobblemon Counter Modrinth / CurseForge

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