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BattleMod: Fabric [Discontinued] avatar

BattleMod: Fabric [Discontinued]


As of 13/09/2020, this has been discontinued.


BattleMod is a Minecraft 1.15.2 mod focused on combat. It works fully on the logical server-side, and as such can be played in single-player, LAN, and normal multiplayer!


  • VeinMiner/TreeCapitator builtin for ores and logs, respectively, activated by breaking, while sneaking, an ore with a pickaxe or a log with... anything. Use an axe though.
  • Inventory sorting by double-clicking a slot - Barrels sort themselves automatically.
  • Loot Chests spread across the map which distribute loot to players upon being opened, either by breaking them, or right-clicking them!
  • Custom heads, with their skins, drop from other players.
  • Starting package when you join a team, with basic armor and tooling.
  • Larger TNT explosions, because they deserve a proper use in PvP. Run away from them, the last one didn't and paid the price.
  • Speeding up Furnaces, Blast Furnaces and Smokers with Bone Meal or Blaze Powder - shift-right-clicking one of them will make them run at twice the speed for, for, with Bone Meal, the next 256 ticks, or with Blaze Powder, the next 512 ticks.
  • Death messages with your position of death.
  • Items dropped on death are moved to the surface for easier recovery.
  • Making Obsidian block items by filling a Crucible with water and right-clicking it with a Lava Bucket.

How to use it:

Firstly, this mod requires Fabric API for Mineacraft 1.15.2 installed - and, of course, the Fabric modloader, which you can download here!

With both of those installed, just install this mod like any others under your mods folder and enter a world / join a server.

Loot Chests will already be a thing around the world. However, you need to join a team for the ideal experience. You can do that with:

/team add TeamIdentifeirHere "TeamNameHere" (keep the "'s!)

IMPORTANT: Your equipment and name will be colored only if your team name is a valid color - in other words, your team name must be one of: black, dark_blue, dark_green, dark_aqua, dark_red, dark_purple, gold, gray, dark_gray, blue, green, aqua, red, light_purple, yellow or white! If it doesn't match one of the colors above, the color will default to white ignoring your team name.

Then, you join the team with:

/team join TeamIdentifierHere

Or add someone to it with:

/team join TeamIdentifierHere PlayerNameHere

And you're set! Any plays that join a team will receive starting equipment with its color.

Have fun!