Astrological Sorcery is an addon for Astral Sorcery that replaces in-game constellations with constellations from the zodiac, giving the mod a more western-astrological feel. Fun for astrologers and astronomers alike!
Requires Astral Sorcery as a dependency.
Server owners: since relay placement on the Attunement Altar depends on the layout of the constellations, this mod is required on the server-side for the altar to work properly (otherwise, the client will be given incorrect relay placement hints).
Replaced Constellations
- Discidia -> Sagittarius
- Armara -> Capricornus
- Vicio -> Gemini
- Aevitas -> Virgo
- Evorsio -> Aries
- Lucerna -> Libra
- Mineralis -> Taurus
- Horologium -> Scorpius
- Octans -> Pisces
- Bootes -> Aquarius
- Fornax -> Leo
- Pelotrio -> Cancer
- Gelu -> Corona Borealis
- Ulteria -> Scutum
- Alcara -> Lyra
- Vorux -> Ophiuchus
Astrological Sorcery logo art created by freepik - www.freepik.com