Archery Expansion
Is a mod that adds new Bows and Arrows that follow a tier system akin to every other tool tier in Minecraft.
(But in particular, akin to Shield Expansion - Which we also made!)
Bows and arrows now come in 5 flavours:
- Wooden Bows and Flint Arrows
- Gold Bows and Gold-Coated Arrows
- Iron Bows and Iron-Coated Arrows
- Diamond Bows and Diamond-Coated Arrows
- Netherite Bows and Netherite-Coated Arrows
There are also Cursed Bows, wielded by Skeletons, that have overall lower stats than normal bows.
Note that this is an override of the Vanilla bow item, so your bow will become a Cursed Bow when this mod is added to a pre-existing world.
Flint Arrows are also vanilla Arrows.
Lower tier bows have less durability a lower firing range, and damage capability, but offer a faster draw and movement speed whilst drawn;
Mirroring this, higher tier bows have more durability, a higher range and damage output, but draw slower, and make you move slower whilst drawn.
Additionally, bows now have a mechanic called Quickdraw - Immediately after a bow has been fired, the shooter will have the Quickdraw Effect, which will cause them to take more damage if shot with an arrow whilst active. This applies to Skeleton too, and so makes second-scoping them to finish them quickly a very viable mechanic, preferable to slowly sneaking towards them with a shield in many cases.
Bow Breaking:
Bows have a chance to loose 100% of their durability when critted with an axe, but the chance can be decreased with higher tiered bows, and the durability loss can be midagated by higher tiers and unbreaking
Unbreaking - Adds 10% breaking resistance per-level.
Power - Does not work on AE bows, but does work on the Cursed Bow.
Scouting - Boots. Speed Effect is applied while charging. 3 levels. Semi-Common.
Babyface - Boots. Hitting a target with an arrow applies Speed temporarily. 2 levels. Semi-Common.
Follow-Through - Chestplate. Hitting a target with an arrow applies Strength temporarily. 2 levels. Rare.
Grit - Chestplate. Resistance Effect is applied while charging. 2 levels. Rare.
Shattering - Bow. Projectiles shot have a 5% chance to deal an extra 5% of an armour’s overall durability damage to it. 5 levels. Common.
Headshot - Bow. Deals 2+ extra damage per-level. 5 levels. Incompatible with Power. Headshottable entities can be added to the headshot_whitelist.json tag with a datapack.
Curse of Fragility - Armour is susceptible to taking 2+ extra damage to arrows per level. 5 levels.
Curse of Pincushioning - Helmet. Quickdraw Effect is permanently applied whilst armour is worn. 5 levels.
Trajectory - Bow. Visualises the… Trajectory of your arrow. 1 Level. Enchanting Table. <3
Arrow Crosshair:
Bows now display a small arrow loading metre beneath your crosshair when charging a bow, just like how attacking things with melee items does!
You can repair all AE bows in an anvil with their respective materials like all other tools!
Iron, Diamond, Gold and Netherite arrows can all be found in Pillager Outposts & Woodland Mansions, Ancient Cities & End Cities, Bastions and Treasure Bastions respectively!
Individual Bow stats can be altered via datapack!
Other mods' Bows stats can be altered via datapack too! Other mods' Arrows can also be given compat arrow textures to show up on our bows' pull sprites - They need to add it on their end though.
An example showcasing both of these features with DeadlyDiamond98's mod The Legend of Steve is included for reference.
May add more stuff in the future if people like the mod and have suggestions.
Hope you do!
Official Showcase:
Our other mods: https://infernalstudios.org/