Plugin: TC ActionBlocks is an add-on for TrainCarts
Version: V1.2For MC 1.7.2
Build: V1.2 For MC 1.7.2
You need TrainCarts for this in order to work!
For configuration, permissions and how-to's, see the Wikipedia page (it is rather long):
Note that I would prefer having comments, bug reports and others in the main Bukkit page, since I visit that site the most. :)
GitHub Project:
Block Types:
- Station Block (Obsidian)
- Elevator Block (Gold Block)
- Ejector Block (Iron Block)
- Brake Block (Mossy Cobblestone)
- Blocks are configurable in the config.yml
Action blocks are dumbed-down versions of the Sign systems in the official TrainCarts. Instead of using signs, it is a certain block that behaves in certain ways. What block material performs what can be configured in the configuration of TC ActionBlocks: