Easily and quickly add custom recipes to Bukkit via a simple config. Supports shaped, shapeless, and furnace recipes. Custom names and lore with color/style is also supported.
Please be VERY careful when you setup your recipes. The slightest fault can cause the whole thing to not function at all. Use the correct material names. Dont try to override recipes that arent there (mob spawners, for example). Make sure your raw data values are correct. For the love of all that is good, match your shapes to your ingredient lists!
v1.2 now supports custom mob spawners. To make a custom mob spawner recipe, set the "name" as the entity you want it to be. Example:
recipes: shaped: - material: MOB_SPAWNER quantity: 1 name: SKELETON shape: - 'III' - 'IEI' - 'III' ingredients: I: IRON_FENCE E: MONSTER_EGG:51
Enjoy! ^_^
/pl3xrecipes (reload) View version and/or reload config.yml from disk. (Aliases: recipes)
pl3xrecipes.command.pl3xrecipes Allow access to the /pl3xrecipes command.
Default config.yml
Version 1.1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 | # Enable debug info in console debug-mode: false # Enable colors in console output color-logs: true # Custom Recipes # List of Material names can be found here: http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/Material.html # Please uncomment all the below lines and change/add/remove to your hearts content recipes: # shaped: # - material: LEASH # override: true # quantity: 1 # name: '&3Super &4Leash' # lore: # - 'This &4is &just' # - '&asome &2sample &olore' # shape: # - 'S ' # - ' S ' # - ' S' # ingredients: # S: STRING # - material: SADDLE # quantity: 1 # shape: # - 'LLL' # - 'SLS' # - 'I I' # ingredients: # L: LEATHER # S: STRING # I: IRON_INGOT # shapeless: # - material: LEATHER # quantity: 1 # ingredients: # ROTTEN_FLESH: 9 # - material: COAL # quantity: 1 # lore: # - 'Crafted from Charcoal' # ingredients: # COAL:1: 1 # furnace: # - material: LEATHER # source: ROTTEN_FLESH # - material: WOOL:15 # source: WOOL # name: 'Burnt Wool' |
Add furnace recipesAdded in v1.1Add option to override default recipeAdded in v1.1Add custom lore/namesAdded in v1.1Add enchantment optionsDecided not to go through with this ideaAdd potion recipesNot possible using the Bukkit API
Have a suggestion? Leave a comment!
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