Release Date
Monitors and displays WoW Token price change history through any LDB display.
Assists you with selecting best team for Legion's Class Hall and WoD's Garrison/Shipyard missions and other followers managem...
Trade and global built-in channels boost anti-spam filter
Semi-automatic mass quest turn-in on demand
Titan Panel [Itemized Deductions]
Sorts groups by raid/difficulty, allows to filters results to include only specific raids/difficulties.
A helper to use dynamic macros out-of-combat
Allows you to quickly change spec to match your instance role.
Forces Garrison Mission Manager to load and make all features available on login instead of waiting for first Garrison UI int...
Lightweight tooltip scanning
Makes easier to spot expiring mail (vs. returned) by printing countdown timer in darker color.
/zz - makes windowed-mode WoW no longer be stuck on top
Helps to split large amount of calls that you can't control under combat lockdown to separate "fibers" in the same frame to a...
Make quest details frame appear on right of new quest log instead of overwriting it
Performance/memory optimizations and fixes for other addons