Release Date
Custom entity models, 3D block/item models, CTM, random textures, and a lot more
A removed feature from Quark now on Vanilla
A custom addon that makes Barely Default compatible with Fresh Animations <3
Better Spiders Revamped! Crabs on beaches, scorpions in deserts. Scary realistic spiders in Minecraft
Relatively improved tools, weapons, and armor, including renamable variants of Netherite sets that add all of the Story Mode armor sets to Minecraft!
Replaces wheat to be golden colored similar to hay blocks for Programmer Art (1.0-1.21)
Better bosses in Minecraft! Pixel consistent, detailed, and just the best.
Visually displays each enchantment in your game with an icon. No OptiFine!
Immersively adds variants&models based on Minecraft canon
The best resource pack to rework your iron golems!
Replaces all pickaxes with fully animated drills! No OptiFine required!
Flat world with only armour stands displaying all the custom visual armour sets in Mickey Joe's Barely Default
200.000.000 random zombie variants for maximum immersion! Every zombie you meet is unique
Using OptiFine CEM features, this pack adds a new design for the conduit made by Mickey Joe
Changes the font to a custom 16x font that uses the same mathmethical rules Google used when designing Product Sans
Enhancing Minecraft through texture changes and world-building.
Adds variants for the drowned mob with an advanced model and many unique skins, for your entertainment