
NRAM Project Laythe Prototype 2


NRAM Project Laythe Prototype 2

Engineers at NRAM have long aspired to build an SSTO capable of reaching the Joolian system without refueling. The NRAM PL P2 is as close as they got, before funding was cut from the project due to other, emerging priorities.


Quick Facts

- if flown correctly, the NRAM PL P2 will allow for a transfer all the way out to Jool and Laythe

- the craft is not capable of adequately slowing down in the Joolian system however, as it only has 300 m/s delta-v left while buzzing through

- the NRAM PL P2 is difficult to land by virtue of its minimalistic wing design

- by adding a small docking port, it is conceivable that a user could extend the range or even allow a longer stay in the Joolian system


User Manual

1. Toggle (atmospheric) engines

2. Toggle nuclear engines, switch RAPIER mode, close air intakes

3. Shut down RAPIER engines, jet engines


Ascend quickly to altitude while in the atmosphere and do not toggle the nuclear engines/switch RAPIER mode until - due to air depletion - the velocity of the craft stops increasing under the jet/atmospheric RAPIER thrust.


The NRAM PL P2 only contains enough oxidizer for the RAPIERs in closed cycle to 'kick' the spaceplane up to a safe apoapsis, after that, the nuclear engines bear the brunt of the task of putting the craft into a stable 100x100 orbit. It is recommended to keep firing them after the oxidizer-fed RAPIERs burn out, and not try to 'coast' to apoapsis.