
Kesserschmitt Ke 262 (Stock) (Replica)

Kesserschmitt Ke 262

During ze Vorld Var, zere vas a tendenzie für flight maschines to go faster und faster ja, and wiz zat development came ze JET ENGIEN from ze Kesserschmitt engineer korps. Now, wiz one JET ENGIEN one does not go zo fast, zo ze Ke 262 uses two für best effect. Und it looks absolutisch über kool.


Inspired by the Messerschmitt Me 262.


Operational Guide



Although it is necessary to rotate with precaution on takeoff, the craft is remarkably stable on the runway and almost takes off on its own.



The Ke 262 is not very maneuverable, but is easy and intuitive to fly. 



Approach the runway at between 80-120 m/s and attempt to land as horizontally as possible with minimum flair. Owing to the excellent handling characteristics of the Ke 262, this is not very difficult. Be as gentle as possible, but keep in mind that the airframe does tolerate some moderately rough landings.