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Irrigated Cooking Pots

This mod adds a new "Irrigated Cooking Pot" engram at level 24. The Irrigated Cooking Pot is designed as a middle ground between original cooking pots and the industrial cooking pot that is not unlocked until level 88.

The Irrigated Cooking Pot will work like a normal pot, but if you add a wireless water source nearby (such as a stone water inlet or a water tank), you dont need to fill the cooking pot with water!

See a YouTube video of the mod in action here:

Other features include:

  • All "dye" recipes removed, this means you can turn on auto craft and get health pots easier (dye recipes can still be crafted in the original pot if you want them)
  • Slightly increased craft speed compared to a normal pot (but still slower than an industrial pot)
  • Increased to 30 slots for crafting
  • Updated structure mesh in game with a pipe to help visually see the new pots vs the old one
  • Does not alter the original pot and should be compatible with most other mods