Version 1.28.1
Project ID: 930404
Last updated on: Nov, 22nd 2024
This mod is rated: Clean and Stackable Released cross-platform
Brought to you by Mannalo (Aka Manalo) and https://www.dragonclawstudios.com/ undefined
This mod provides a personal Gravestone that will help you recover your lost items (from death).
Craft and place your personal Gravestone to use after you have died. I recommend placing it near a bed.
Tribes can arrange these in a Graveyard fashion. Each stone can only be used by the person who placed it.
Once activated any objects found on all of your corpses or your death caches will be returned to your inventory.
Overflow handling of objects has been added. So when recovering lost items if you fill up before recovering everything the overflow will be placed in a cache at your feet. If for any reason the item cannot be added to the cache(s) it will be put back in the object it was found in.
Enable debugging if you're concerned about lost items, the last set of stats will show you if anything was lost.
There is a 30-second cool-down between usages to prevent spamming which could create performance issues, this timer can be adjusted using the game options listed below.
The ExclusionList is case insensitive, meaning you don't have to worry about caps. I recommend you continue using them as it improves your ability to manage the data, but if you mess up you don't have to worry about it as long as the entry is properly spelled (so it matches the item).
The gravestone will take damage over time so be sure to do regular maintenance.
You will no longer be able to pick up the stone if the timer is running or if it is damaged.
If you own multiple stones they will all share the same timer.
A Newly placed stone will inherit the timer from any existing stones for that user.
When items are found a new effect, Flame of Recovery will occur letting you know the stone has started to recover items. Flames will last 5 seconds (longer than it takes actually to recover items).
If no flames show up then no items were found, so nothing will be recovered.
Admin command to summon a personal stone:
cheat giveitem "/DeathRecovery/PrimalItemStructure_Personal_Grave.PrimalItemStructure_Personal_Grave" 1 0 0 false
The following is the full path to the gravestone:
== The following settings are OPTIONAL!! ==
== Do not add a setting to your ini unless you need to change ==
== it from the default. The following settings are NOT default ==
== They are examples of what you do with them. ==
Setting options for GameUserSettings.ini
To change the length of time between uses set DelayTimer to the number of seconds you desire.
1 min = 60
5 min = 300
30 min = 1800
1 hour = 3600
1 day = 86400
To make the stone decay in one day (RL) set the DecayMultiplier to 0.142857
I don't recommend having the stone decay faster then 3 days.
If you need to remove stones quickly then I recommend you use MaxLifeSpan.
MaxLifeSpan is set by choosing how many seconds to stone can exist.
DisablePickup=true will disable the option that allows the stone to be picked up.
UseOnce=true will cause the stone to be destroyed once the stone is used.
When UseOnce is set the DelayTimer determines how long until the stone is destroyed. While the stone is on cool down it can't be used.
ThereCanOnlyBeOne=true will prevent the player from placing more than one stone. (this will have no affect on existing stones).
UseGlobalTimer=true will cause all stones in the game to use the same cool down timer, all players will be affected, first come first use.
The ExclusionList now works with the wildcard character "." you can place it at the beginning or end of your string. You can place one at one end or the other or both.
This example would not recover any resources, anything that had Thatch at the end of the name or the partial word "Consum" anywhere in the name.
ExceptionList=Chibi will prevent any item with the string Chibi in it from being filtered by the filters you list in the ExclusionList.
As of April 28 2024 Filter adjustment was made Specific filters have been added for the three custom skins that show up when you die as for the time being it does not seem that it's intended for them to be transferred from your corpse. The filter was adjusted on the 28th from a general filter to a precise filter in order to save the chibi's.
Aundefineds of Nov 1st 2024, Skin copy issues were introduced into the game.A new feature 'Duplicate Skin removal' was added to the radial menu.__The following Filters are also recommended.
For those looking to do engram overrides the engram for this mod is: EngramEntry_Personal_Grave
======================= !!!WARNING!!! =======================
The game deletes any corpse or loot cache that goes outside the map boundaries. How aggressive this is depends on the map designer.
At times being killed by a sea creature can cause your inventory to be removed/deleted from your corpse.
This mod cannot recover items that have been deleted by the game. ===========================================================
Flame of Recovery may not be showing when the stone is activated and items are recovered. If this occurs you need to pick up the stone and replace it.
Thanks, BlindAdam23 for the review! Here is his YouTube Video.
The mod comes with limited support (when I'm available). Stop by the https://discord.gg/bfTSMCZ DragonClaw Studios Discord.
If you are looking for a gaming community feel free to stop by the Orion Cluster https://discord.gg/E94Muqz OC Discord. We play a number of games, share, chat, and have some fun.
Testers Wanted !!!
If you are interested in helping test pre-release updates, please send me a PM! With three different platforms, not every system responds the same to every update and I need all the eyes I can get to help updates go as smoothly as possible.
Support this mod and save money on your Cell service with with US Mobile https://www.usmobile.com/referrals?referrer=F77451BD&utm_campaign=monster_referral\ like I do!