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Total RP 3

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Total RP 3 aims to be the best way to customize, describe and drive your role-play interactions, by combining the powerful customization features from Total RP 2, new features requested by our users and a greatly improved user interface designed with usability in mind. With this add-on, you can fully customize all the information about your characters and companion (pets, battle pets, mounts), like the name, the description or even attach an image to represent them.

Our goal is to bring back the simplicity and user-friendliness of add-ons like MyRolePlay but without sacrificing your freedom when defining your roleplay characters and adding neat features that you'll never want to live without anymore.

Total RP 3 can understand and exchange data with roleplay addons like MyRolePlay and XRP, allowing you to consult profiles coming from these addons seamlessly.

Total RP 3 is also a fully modular add-on. You can choose exactly which features you want to use and won't be bothered by a complex user interface if you don't want to.

Main features

  • You can customize your characters and companions (battle pets, pets, and mounts) with a powerful profile system and quickly switch between profiles.
  • Keep track of all characters and companions you met with the directory, a repository of profiles you have encountered.
  • Locate other Total RP 3 users on the world map to see where people tend to gather. You can decide to appear on the map or not, or even appear only if you are in character.
  • A customizable target frame, allowing you to easily access useful interactions for your roleplay target (see their profile, play their theme song).
  • Chat customizations like OOC and emote chat coloring as well as full role-play names using custom colors in the chat. (Details on Chat Formatting)
  • NPC speeches to make an NPC say or do something during an event.
  • Total RP 3 can communicate with MyRolePlay, XRP and other MSP add-ons so you can view other players information even if they are using another roleplaying add-on.
  • A customizable toolbar with useful actions like switching from switching from one profile to another, switching from IC to OOC, from AFK to DND, switching languages, and more!
  • Import your existing profiles from Total RP 2, MyRolePlay or XRP. (Tutorial)
  • Mature profile filtering to warn you before opening profiles that may contain mature content.

YouTube videos

Total RP 3 modules spotlight

Total RP 3: Extended, by Kajisensei & Ellypse

This awesome module brings the new creation system. Create items, readable documents, campaigns with quests, customized NPCs and dialogs, loots. Use the inventory system to show items you are wearing and inspect other players' inventory. Create stashes that other players will be able to inspect. Trade items with other players safely thanks to our security level system that allows you to define authorizations per item and be sure you won't suddenly shout weird stuff because of a cursed item!

TRP3 Currently Frame, by tammymg

Adds a standalone frame to your UI that displays your "Currently" text and allows you to edit it easily.

TRP3 Location Toggle, by iMintty_

Adds a simple button to the toolbar to toggle on and off the map scan location feature.

Total RP 3: Unit Frames, by keyboardturner

This module modifies Blizzard player and target frames to use RP name and color, and add a button to open profile.