Dont you just hate it when someone Buffs you and you have to thank them individually?
Not any more, with Thanks For The Buff, whenever someone buffs you with a useful buff you will now autimatically /cheer at the Caster.
This will only trigger now when you get buffs, "In the wild" and not triggered by party members or raid members
Credit to MrFIXIT aka RoadBlock for his help in making this addon!
There are 3 commands available:
/TFTB - shows you your current emote
/TFTB RANDOM - chooses from a random set of emotes
/TFTB <emotename> allows you to set a new emote ie
/TFTB thank
/TFTB cry
TFTB reacts to the following buffs (if i missed one please let me know)
"Mark of the Wild", "Thorns", "Arcane Intellect", "Blessing Of Might",
"Blessing Of Kings", "Blessing Of Wisdom", "Power Word: Fortitude",
"Unending Breath", "Water Walking"