



Allows automated adding of a bonus values to your rolls, reporting the result in chat. An example use case is in raids with an attendance bonus value that boosts your rolls.


This can be called with 0, 1, 2, or 3 arguments:

  1. /rollbonus will /roll 1 100 and add nothing to the result.
  2. /rollbonus bonus will /roll 1 100 and add bonus to the result and post it in chat.
  3. /rollbonus max bonus will instead /roll 1 max.
  4. /rollbonus min max bonus will instead /roll min max.

For raid groups it posts in /raid chat, for parties in /party, otherwise it whispers yourself.

Type /rollbonus help for example inputs.


  • I have a roll bonus of 30, so I type /rollbonus 30.
  • The game shows I rolled a 65.
  • The addon automatically posts in raid chat: "I rolled 65 + 30 = 95".

Author: esuvii