
ReforgeLite Classic

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Continued from: ReforgeLite


ReforgeLite is a lightweight reforging calculator that helps you figure out the optimal strategy to reforge your gear given your stat weights and caps without leaving the game.

How to use it

To open the addon window, type /reforge or talk to the reforging master. On the left half of the window you can see your current item stats for reference.
On the right side you can set up stat weights/caps, or select an existing preset. You can import stat weights from WoWSims using their Pawn EP export.

When you're done setting up weights/caps, press Calculate. The calculations are fairly memory/time intensive, so ReforgeLite might trade some precision for speed, though the losses should be minimal. You can press the Calculate button a few times if you want to try getting a better result, the output will always display the best result so far.

Once the calculation finishes, you will see a section with your stats after reforging, and the difference from your current stats. Click on the Show button to see which items should be reforged.
If the reforging UI is open, you can click on the Reforge button to automatically reforge all items in the selected way. Do not interfere in the process (clicking the cancel button or closing the reforging UI is fine).


FAQ: I'm using certain items for my off-spec and I don't want their reforge changed.

Simply click on an item icon in the large stats table, this will lock the item's reforge.

FAQ: Decimal weights?

You might notice that you can't enter anything besides digits in the weight boxes. This was done for simplicity's sake, and it does not limit you at all - you can multiply all your weights by a 100 (or whatever you prefer) to make them integers, and that would not affect the result at all.

FAQ: My reforge/results window isn't showing up. What do?

There are a few possible reasons.
First, ensure that the addon is enabled (and not marked as outdated if you haven't checked the box to load out-of-date addons). If the addon isn't loaded, you should get an error when trying to type /reforge in chat.
Second, try enabling Lua errors in the game options. If this causes error messages to show up when you try to open the reforge window, then send me the text of the error and I'll figure something out.
Third, it is possible that you accidentally moved the window off-screen. The easiest way to fix this is by deleting the addon config file located at <game folder>/WTF/Account/<your account>/SavedVariables/ReforgeLite.lua - this should reset the addon settings to default (make sure you're in game when doing that, or the file will simply reappear). This will also delete your custom weight and reforge presets - if you want to avoid that, you can try editing the said file, by changing the values of variables "windowX", "windowY", "methodWindowX" and "methodWindowY". Values such as 100 for X and 500 for Y should make the window(s) visible at least.