Pokemon Trainer NG: The Pet Battle Mod
This is a fork of the original Pokemon Trainer, which is no longer being maintained.
All the features of the normal Pokemon Trainer addon are the same, except support for Dragonflight has been added, and some long-standing bugs has been fixed.
If you previously where using the old Pokemon Trainer addon, you can just uninstall it and install this instead, and it will pick up your settings from the old one.
Pokemon Trainer (PT) was the very first pet battle related addon for World of Warcraft on Curse and is your individual combat helper when it comes to pet battles. It is completely overhauled and rewritten. Choose between the next-generation or the old combat display and start duelling until your keyboard catchs fire.
- Main features (during pet battles)
- Choose between two combat displays
- Displays pets rarity, level difficulties, speed indicators
- Displays both your and enemys abilities with cooldowns, bonuses and weaknesses
- Highlights abilities whenever they do more damage for any reason - never again miss a chance to blast your enemy
- Scans enemy abilities during PVP battles and marks them with a green checkmark if scanning was successful
- Displays pets breed IDs as text and/or icon
- Additional, optional features
- Adds relevant info about your team in the tooltip when hovering or targeting battle pets
- Displays a small window on your UI with two buttons:
- Revive Pets (Spell) with current cooldown
- Pet Bandages (Item) with current amount in bags
- Colors known and unknown pets in the auction house
- Type /pt for setting up PT!
Requests, Bug Reports
- Please use the Issue tracker on Github to report bugs, unintended behaviour, request for features, etc. I won't handle any kind of requests via comments on Curse anymore. Thanks.
Thanks to
Detritis who tested almost every new v1 alpha package, reported bugs and suggested new ideas for the mod. Without you, Mate, PT wouldn't be as smart as it is now.
Nullberri from PetJournal Enhanced and other great pet battle mods. Thanks for sharing your pet breed infos as a library when I asked for it. Please download Nullberris mods to support him.
grdn1337 for making the original Pokemon Trainer addon. Without that, there would me nothing to base this continuation on.