关于插件 Features:
- 重写了游戏内默认的输入框,将其显示在角色下方,习惯了你就会爱上它 Rewrite the default input box in the game, located below the character. Once you get used to it, you will fall in love with it
- 支持移动(Shift+左键)、缩放(Shift+右边箭头)、重置(Shift+右键)Support move (Shift+left button), zoom (Shift+right arrow), reset (Shift+right button)
- 正式服可以进入编辑模式编辑
- 频道颜色、Tab切换频道 Channel color, Tab to switch channel
- 历史记录(⬆️⬇️) Historical records
- 输入提示、自动补充(Control+Enter) Input prompts, automatic supplementation
- 多行提示请使用Control+数字 Please use Control+numbers for multiline prompts
- 撤销(Control+Z)反撤销(Control+Shift+Z) undo、redo
- 最近消息 Recent chat messages
设置 Options:
- /ii or /InputInput or Esc->选项(options)->插件(addOnes)->InputInput
支持的游戏版本 Supported WOW Versions:
- 地心之战(TWW) 110000, 110002
- 大地的裂变(Cata) 40400
- 巫妖王之怒(WotLK) 30403
- 香草60(Vanilla) 11403
未做充分测试,有问题请提交反馈 Not fully tested, please submit feedback if there are any issues
兼容的插件 Adapter Addone:
- ElvUI
- NdUI
- 大脚(BigFoot)
- LS_GLass
本地化 Locales:
- 英语 enUS
- 简体中文 zhCN
- 繁体中文 zhTW
其他语言本地化请提交至Locales文件夹 Please submit localization for other languages to the Locales folder
提示 Tip:
- 如果安装了ElvUI或者NdUI,Tab切换频道功能将由这些插件接管 If ElvUI or NdUI is installed, the Tab channel switching function will be taken over by these plugins
- 以上未列出的功能均为暴雪默认的交互逻辑 The functions not listed above are Blizzard's default interaction logic
- 以上为机翻,请见谅 The above is machine translation, please forgive me
开发者功能 Developer Features:
- /sp ? 指令:相当于/script print(?) (/sp ? Instruction: Equivalent to /script print (?))
- /sps ? 指令:相当于/script print("?") (/sps ? Instruction: Equivalent to /script print ("?"))
- /spa ? 指令:相当于/script for , v in ipairs(?) do print(v) end (/spa ? Instruction: Equivalent to /script for , v in ipairs(?) do print(v) end)
- /spt ? 指令:相当于/script for k, v in pairs(?) do print(k, v) end (/spt ? Instruction: Equivalent to /script for k, v in pairs(?) do print(k, v) end)
关于作者 Author:
- 国服 1区-艾萨拉 China
- 臺服 二組-水晶之刺 Taiwan, China