Replaces both Miller's Grindstone and Prospector's Grindstone.
Creates a Macro Button with fly-out bars for quick access to milling/prospecting. The flyouts group grindable items by profession and by loot table. Once you have selected what you want to grind, left click the main button to grind it; right click to mass grind it. FlyOuts can be filtered by selecting "Inventory" in the source(Top) tab. This allows the flyouts to be filtered by what is in the bags, all items, items owned that have enough to grind, or enough to mass grind. See below for how to change this filter.
Drop rates are place holders. Please help by submitting drop rate data.
- Top tab is source: Milling, Prospecting, Bag Contents
- Bottom Tab is Category/Tier (herbs grouped by pigment, ores by expac)
- Right Tab is items(Ores/Herbs)
- Arrow buttons expand/collapse tabs.
- The central Frame is the Button to Grind/Mass Grind
/gs [show | hide]
- Shows/Hides the whole frame
/gs state [all | bags | grindable[or grind] | mass]
- Toggles view state of Bag contents mode: All items, Only what's in your bag, Only what can be milled/prospected, Only what can be mass grinded, use optional key to set the state
/gs open [ [top/down] | [center] | [bottom/up] ]
- Set the expansion direction for the right tab when oversized (>10 items). Direction or anchor must be specified.
/gs hold
- Toggles tab hold, whether or not the tabs close after making a selection.
/gs update [or refresh]
- Force frame update
/gs settings [or cfg]
- show current variable values for Grindstone
/gs clear
- Resets the saved variables to default. If you had Grindstone before version 4, it may throw an error on load about "Selected" being nil. If so, run this command.