For Classic Era - Season of Discovery.
- Engrave runes quicker - one click - no need to open the character frame - no confirmation dialog.
- Configurable layout direction and tooltip.
- 2 layout modes: Popup/ShowAll
- Visual feedback when no rune is engraved or gear is broken.
- Customizable filters
Slash Commands
- /engraver - opens options menu (shorthand commands: /re, /en)
- /engraver_reset_position - moves the frame to the center of the screen
- /engrave runeName - Looks up the rune by name and attempts to engrave the rune onto the respective equipped armor slot.
- /engrave spellID - Looks up the rune by spellID and attempts to engrave the rune onto the respective equipped armor slot (spellID can be either the rune's spellID or the spellID of the ability granted by the rune).
- /engraveslot slotNumber rune - same as /engrave but requires slotNumber. This is useful for specifying finger slots (11 and 12).
- /engraver_filter name - Sets the active filter if given a name, otherwise deactivates the active filter (shorthand is /ef if you need character space in your macro).