This is the continuation of my beloved Addon "Comix (Reloaded)" originally maintained by Darool (owner) and Nixxen (author): Comix - AddOns - World of Warcraft - CurseForge (deleted by the owner of the project on 8.7.2021)
Life in WoW is less funky without it, so I decided to pick up the work keeping this addon alive... :-)
Thanks to Darool for letting me continue it. All further modifications are based on the latest original version v8.3.0.0
Usage: /comix to open Options-GUI, /comix help to see a list of slash commands
Here is the original description:
This is the continuation of Comix.
Thanks to Si63 for letting me continue it.
Comix is a plain Fun Addon. It's sole purpose is to keep you entertained. It doesn't do anything useful but the EntertainYourFaceOff™ technology contained in the package is sure to keep you amused for hours, and you won't even know why.
In plain english: It shows a Image and plays a sound when you crit. These Images and Sounds are done in Comic Style. but it can do so much more....
- cool stuff happens on Crits (heals and damage)
- plays fancy sounds
- plays sounds ripped from other things
- keeps track of up to 2 useless statistics
- now includes a bad joke detector
- an awesome objection system
- a drama button for the unnecessary drama in the game (all drama - its a game people :P)
- now incorporates the Supermassive Fail mod for all the times when saying fail on its own just doesn't cut it (try using /awesome instead of /fail sometime too you'll be glad you did :P)
- and more.....
A note on /fail and /awesome:
/fail and /awesome are both used like this example:
/awesome say this is ~ (double)
this will make you say (in say) this is [Pure Awesome]
the ~ (double) marks where you want the supermassive fail or the pure awesome to go
valid choices for where to send the message are: say, emote, yell, party, guild, officer, raid, rw (for raid warning), bg (for battleground), afk or dnd
GFX: Venomia, Maidokilla
SFX: Random things found on the net :P support us!
GUI: Turaka (previously Si, Florix)
Coding: Turaka (previously Si, Maidokilla, Zabuza)
PS: The Way i loaded 'images' and 'sounds' is somehow copied from the Author of the addon Critman. I really liked the way he did that cause ppl can modify Images and Sounds easy this way. The new flash gfx were ripped from the mod Instabolt, which i think ripped them from somewhere else so no hard feelings.
User Testimonials:
I got sexy through this.
I could increase my wpw-ratio (women per week) by 100%,
just with using this addon, describing how happy i am is not possible.
This addon makes you happy-
It really does.
I am a better person now.
My Karma became good the instant i installed this addon, thanks !
Random druid
I r 1337
P30P13 WH0 C4N r34D 7hI5 5hI7 5h0u1D 7ry 0U7 7hi5 4dd0wn, i7 0wN5!
You have failed me my Students!
But this addon rocks!
Instructor Razuvious
This addon is great for slacking
"I was able to slack like hell in raid while coding this addon."
I am wearing no underwear when I am using this addon.
"And it sure feels goos, thanks guys!"