- Addons
- 367,448
ColorPickerPlus replaces the standard Color Picker to provide
- color specification through a hue bar and gradient box
- text entry for colors (RGB, hex, and HSV)
- text entry for the alpha value (transparency/opacity)
- a 36-swatch color palette that can be used for copy/paste
- a class color palette
- a copy/paste independent of palettes
- a movable frame
- a color swatch for the color to be replaced
- a color swatch for the chosen color
With these enhancements, you can precisely describe a color and coordinate colors within and between add-ons.
Left-click on a palette swatch will choose that color.
Shift-left-click on a palette swatch will save the chosen color into the palette.
To switch between the customizable palette and the class color palette, click the button labelled "@".
Control-left-click on the chosen color will print the decimal RGB values for the color into the chat window. This was added as a utility for add-on developers.
Useful external tools for generating color palettes:
https://color.adobe.com/ and http://tools.medialab.sciences-po.fr/iwanthue/