by Cixi@Remulos (Classic Oceanic)
Following the overwhelmingly positive feedback for Attune on reddit, I've decided to continue and add some Wrath content to it, and now keeping it alive for Anniversary realms
I won't be adding any SoD content however
Attune is there to collect and show you your current attunement progress.
It gives you a clear visual representation of the quest chains that make up the attunements and shows you who else is on those steps.
This addon works for both Classic Era, Season of Mastery and The Burning Crusade/Wrath where attunements are plentiful
Consolidation of guild progress in the Guild summary tab:
Quest tooltips, including recommended group size:
See who's on the attunement step
See who's completed the attunements
Toon Profiles:
You can now specify what your status/role is to help with raid organisation
Raid Planner:
Based on the information on attuned toons in your guild, the addon now lets you plan your raids and see who is ready to go
Type /attune raid to start using the raid planner
Interface Options:
Featured in one of Scottejaye's videos:
Also featured in Warcraft Releoaded #35, starting at the 1h45 mark
- MadSeasonshow: https://youtu.be/FEjhqD7lwzE
- MetaGoblin: https://youtu.be/wmARnkMgi-A
- Solheim: https://youtu.be/qPph_oSGE1Y
- Lylitzz (French): https://www.twitch.tv/lylitzz/clip/BigFlirtyAsparagusStrawBeary-6IEiocD7D8PyPMEk
The addon can be localized, meaning it can be translated in any of the languages the WoW Client comes in.
If you are playing on a client that is not in a language listed below, and are able and willing to help translate the addon in that language,
please contact me on my Development Discord and look for the "how to translate" channel.
- English: Delivered
- French: Delivered
- German: Delivered - Thanks Sumaya @ Razorfen DE!
- Russian: Delivered - Thanks to the "Серый Марш" guild on Flamegor RU!
- Spanish: Delivered - Thanks to Coyu @ Pyrewood Village EU!
- Chinese: Delivered - Thanks to ly395842562 and IcyBlade !
- Korean: Delivered - Thanks to Drix @ Azshara KR!
- Copy the "Attune" folder into your Wow Classic \Interface\AddOns\ folder
- Restart World of Warcraft Classic
Just type /attune in chat to display your progress.
To survey the progress of your guild, click the "survey" button to collect the information.
You will then receive progress data from any guild member with the addon.
(For this to work, guildies will need the addon too)
Join the discord server to have a say in the direction of the addon
Submit bugs/suggestions/comments here: https://discord.gg/MpfDeBZ
Developing our addons and websites takes time and effort, and is a single-person job.
If you feel like participating in some way, you can donate to the cause :-)
Huge thanks for downloading and using our addons, that's the best reward.
Good luck, have fun, and may the Earth Mother protect you all.
WarcraftRatings Website
Cixi / Gaya @Remulos Horde(Classic Oceanic server)