Aligner is launched with either /align or /aligner. This brings up the grid plus a small options panel. The options panel includes a Spacing slider (with increment/decrement buttons) that lets you adjust grid spacing from 5 to 50 pixels, an Opacity slider (also with increment/decrement buttons) that lets you set opacity from 0 to 100%, and color swatches for line and center colors. If you have ColorPicker installed then clicking on the color swatches lets you change the line and center colors. These settings are saved in an account-wide profile. The Hide button is used to hide the grid (it toggles between Hide and Show). The OK button hides the options panel (but doesn't automatically hide the grid in case you prefer to view it without the options panel).
Aligner was inspired by similar grid-producing addons for WoW (e.g., eAlign). I found them quite helpful when fussing over pixel perfect placements in my UI and I hope that Aligner proves to be as helpful for Wildstar addon users.
Aligner Authorship
Aligner was originally written by Tomber and retains all rights reserved. Tomber has given Casstiel permission to distribute and support Aligner during his hiatus from Wildstar.