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The Complete Journey

The Complete Journey is a large map that hosts many new places for characters to obtain every item. Any non-renewable resource has been spawned into the world at least once, as well as exclusive items. There are many new additions including:

  • A large world with both Crimson and Corruption.
  • Technically a Drunk World, so all properties of that world that are not in world generation are present.
  • Copper, Iron, Silver, Gold, and Demonite or to the East and Tin, Lead, Tungsten, Platinum, and Crimtane to the West.
  • All items that only spawn in chests have been spawned at least once.
  • Every type of Moss is now in the underground.
  • The Terragrim has been added to the Enchanted Sword Shrine to the West.
  • There are at least 9 of each Crimson Heart and Shadow Orb.
  • Altars have been added around the keeping to the East and West separation of Corruption and Crimson. The only exception is the Snow biome, which of 3 of each altar for creating a crafting hub.
  • 5 New Underground Caverns have been added. One contains all non-renewable paintings, another one contains all non-renewable statues, another one contains all non-renewable banners, another one contains all prehardmode crates alongside the Gray Zapinator and Cascade, and the final one contains some Christmas exclusive items, the Moon Lord Legs, and a Red Potion.
  • A Graveyard Biome has been added to the West, with 2 of each gravestone and a chest containing Halloween exclusive items.
  • A group of chests in the Dungeon contain every Dungeon-exclusive furniture item inside, as well as any item that could be missed, including the Dungeon Guardian's Bone Key.


I'll admit this idea was inspired by Loki1300's All in One Map, but I felt as if some things were made missing so I made my own version.