
Horse Stamina Reporting

This is a simple mod that reports your horses health and stamina in the notifications when you ride your horse. For it to work, it has to be YOUR horse. Stolen horses will not report stamina.

There is 2 spells. One that will rise the notification frequency by 0.5, and the other to lower it. The value is saved and can range from 1 to 60. If you don't start with the spells, the tomes are found at the Helgen escape tunnel/cave, near the fire brazier by the exit.

To change the amount of stamina that horses have, you need to start a new game. Changes to horse starting stamina will not apply to pre-existing gamesaves.

See screenshots for an example.

This comes in 5 varieties. One that doesn't change horse stamina, and 4 that do. The versions that change horse stamina range form 2X to 5X.

Version 1.1 has had a Health bar added and the bar style was re-worked. Overall, it looks and works better now. Two scripted spells were added to change the update frequency of messages. Health and stamina will display in percent if they are more than 4 digits. A percent sign will show up to signify when this is happening.

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