
Sulani Fishing Spot Fix

This is a temporary fix for the fishing spot bug happening in Sulani until EA fixes this on their side. For further info, here is the link: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-IL-Signed-Fishing-Spots-Not-Working-in-Sulani/td-p/13894582. Please click on “ME TOO” in the first post there if you also have this problem!

And please keep in mind that this is an override! Every other mod tempering with the following files will conflict:

  • Instance: 0x00000000000126E2 - Name: fishingLocation_GoFishing_Spot 
  • Instance: 0x0000000000032F60 - Name: fishingLocation_GoFishing_Spot_AngleForBigCatch
  • Instance: 0x0000000000017C13 - Name: fishingLocation_GoFishing_Spot_Child

This fix is NOT perfect! I know! But at least sims are able to fish in Sulani again.


TOU: Do as you please! Just credit me and don't make money off of it without letting me know!

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