
Other Mods - Neighborhood Protection - No Vampires!

Credits: Original Mod created by Tanja1986 on Mod the Sims, which I am updating for a long time already and now uploading here as well.

Original Text by Tanja1986:

You don't want vampires in your normal neighborhoods? Then this mod is for you! I do not touch the new world "Forgotten Hollow". But all the others, like Oasis Spring, Newcrest, City Living etc. these won't allow Vampires to roam any longer. I did not delete the scenario of "fake" vampires, the wannabes who dress like them, but are normal sims! But every other scenario, including doorbell from vampires should be removed.

This mod will not get rid of the gameplay pack tutorial, which will start with any sim played after the pack was installed. That means if you play a family for a long time and install the Vampires GP the tutorial will be triggered with or without this mod. That means you will get messages from Vlad and he will come one night to bite your sim! This is part of the vampire tutorial, so far I wasn't able to find out how to stop it completely, so this mod gets rid of the walkbys! That means you won't see vampires walking the streets or standing in front of the door to be invited!

Optional Addon:

Vampire World - Where only Vampire Situations are allowed as Walkbys exept Event NPCs & Family Doorbell Situations. Without the Addon the Vampire World will have no Vampire Situations as well!


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