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Teddy Shoes- infant converted avatar

Teddy Shoes- infant converted

item image
item image
item image
  • screenshot thumbnail
  • screenshot thumbnail
  • screenshot thumbnail


- New Mesh

- All lods

- 6 Swatches

- Category : shoes / flats

- Age : infant

- Disallowed for random



Toddler version





Do not re-upload / share direct file. Instead, share the current post link

Do not claim as your own

Do not edit withour permission

You can use the object items freely when you create your own pose

DO NOT CONVERT THE MESH FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE (including sims 3 conversion, second life, AR filter, etc)



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컨버전용 메쉬 추출 일체 불허합니다.

제 오브젝트 이용 '포즈' 제작 배포는 자유롭게 하셔도 됩니다.