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New Unit Icons and Wireframes Pack avatar

New Unit Icons and Wireframes Pack

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This is my third project which is releasing some icons and wireframes for certain buildings and units. The files on each pack contains DDS Files of icons and wireframes. Please feel free to use them in your custom maps or mods. I do only take few request but not many. If there bugs while using these custom icons and wireframes in custom maps and mods, do not hesitate to comment or send Private Messages to me. Also, complaints or any distasteful words are not allowed while commenting.

For this project, take note that I make HD icons and wireframes similar to the style of SoulFilcher's icons and wireframes but my wireframes aren't exactly 100% perfect I admit. I also helped Alex06 for converting the new icons he made and introduced in the forums so that is all.

NOTE: I use and Photoshop CS6 to make custom icons and wireframes.