InsaneMonster Assets
A collection of libraries and mods made by InsaneMonster.
InsaneAI - v1.2
InsaneAI is a tool library which allows, with ease, to make fully customizable, bug free and competitive AIs for computer players.
Make your enemy great again!
InsaneCredits - v1.0
InsaneCredits is a tool library which allows, with ease, to make professional scrolling credits for your map, mod or campaign.
Giving credits has never been more fun!
InsaneDebug - v2.0
InsaneDebug is a tool library which allows, with ease, to manage complex and multi-level debug messages for your map, mod or campaign.
Don't stress yourself, catch them all with ease!
InsaneTransmission - v1.0
InsaneTransmission is a tool library which allows, with ease, to make custom talking portrait with moving lips and other nice features.
Give your characters the portrait they deserve!
InsaneUI - v1.0
InsaneUI is a collection of layout assets templates and a small tool library for simple UI interfaces, like Brood War styled interludes, and more.
User interface power in the palm of your hand!
InsaneBriefing - v1.0
InsaneBriefing is a tool library which allows, with ease, to make high quality Starcraft themed briefings with tons of customization and options.
Bring back good old briefings in all their glory!
To download all files, click on the Files in the up left corner, after Overview. Otherwise you will only download the last file!
All the files published on Mapster are also published on Battle.net (as long as the version is greater than 1.0).
All of them are further downloadable in the editor itself by Battle.net and this procedure is required to publish them in the Starcraft 2 Arcade.
By downloading the file from here, you get the best of possible worlds, since the Battle.net dependency is also included in the download.
In any case, the license terms fully apply.
If not statet otherwise, upgrade is completely seamless and one just need to download the new version and overwrite the existing one. This allows for easy integration even in a large campaign.
Everyone is free to use for personal and public non-commercial use.
Copying or republishing this materials is not allowed.
When this materials is used in a custom mod or map a link to this page must be given and credits must be given, possibly in game.
About Me
I'm an Italian Computer Engineer which loved doing maps for Starcraft and Warcraft III when was a boy.
I actually never came up to have enough free time to learn the Galaxy Editor but now, after many years since Starcraft II release, I decided to start some projects of my own.
One of this project was the RTC 2017 Mercenary Business map that ended, to my great surprise, in the top ten of the 2017 RTC contest. You can play the map on Battle.net or look at it in the editor here.
I really really hope you might find them both useful and inspiring. Keep up the good work everyone!