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Inspired by WoW's Power Auras this is a fully configurable alerting system. Track what you want how you want. Setup alerts for such things as...

  • A debuff you want to keep up on your target
  • Your focus is low on life
  • An ability just came off cooldown
  • You are running low on mana
  • much much more...
Getting Started:

As KaruulAlert is completely customizable it needs to know a little about your character before you start. The first time you run it, a simple tutorial should be shown to help you get started. If you want to start it again manually, type /kalert tutorial.

If you are still missing abilities or buffs after going through the tutorial, you can enable the ability scanner at any time.

  1. Open configuration (/karuulalert or /kalert)
  2. Check the Enable Ability Scanner check box on the lower right of the configuration screen
  3. Switch roles, buff up, click on random players (load their buffs too) or simply play for a while
  4. Once done disable the ability scanner to save resources.

At this point you will have a good amount of items to choose from but to get the full list of what you can do play around a little. Now you should have all you need to get going. First stop Name, what do you want to call this alert you are making? After that it's just a matter of checking off what you want to track, typing in the ability or buff and choosing what your alert will look like.

  1. Open configuration (/karuulalert or /kalert)
  2. Enter a Name for your alert
  3. Select Buff, Ability, or Resource and fill
  4. Select when you want to be notified
  5. Select who the alert will look at
  6. Enter the name of the buff/ability or select the resource.
  7. Customize the alert
  8. Click Save

You now have an alert for your gaming pleasure.

Special Thanks

WoW Power Auras crew - Without their amazing addon this would not even have been a thought. Also for allowing use of their sample images.

Céres guilde BloodLust Brisesol - For providing the French translations for the addon and general help and suggestions along the way.

Valixx - For providing the German translations.

Naifu, creator of nkRogue - Who gave me a glimpse of what was possible and inspired me to dive into addon development.