Step 1:
- Open File Explorer.
- Locate %appdata% in the address bar and press Enter.
Example : C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Pal\Saved\SaveGames
Step 2:
- Go To Local\Pal\Saved\SavedGames
- Locate and Backup UserOption.sav just in case something goes wrong.
- Choose the FOV Setting you want in the Download Tab
- Copy and Paste that UserOption.sav in that Download files
- Start The Game and you will notice the FOV Changes.
You can See The FOV Difference in Media Tab 130 FOV - 70 FOV
Choose What's best for your Gameplay. HAVE FUN!
<figure class="quote col-3-3">UPDATES :
Version 1.0
- FOV 70 - 130</figure>