
Pal Info Configs (DEPRECATED)





Config mod for Pal Info

Allows you to configure the base mod

Config Descriptions
Enabled (True / False) - Turn mod on or off
HideXXX (True / False) - Whether to hide the specified XXX UI element

CenterDrops (True / False) - Whether to center-align the content of the Pal Drops container. By default it is left-aligned.

LookDistance (Any Number) - How far away the Pal is allowed to be to show UI. Currently uses very large units, but someone asked for it to be even larger
UIOpacity (Decimal between 0 and 1) - Changes how transparent the UI is
UntilHideDuration (Any Number) - Number of seconds until UI will hide after breaking line of sight

UI_X_Position (Any Number) -
UI_Y_Position (Any Number) -

UI_X_Scale (Decimal, 1 is default)
UI_Y_Scale (Decimal, 1 is default)

Possible Configs and their Default Value

<figure class="quote col-3-3"></figure>

Enabled = true

HideIcon = false
HidePalName = false
HideLevel = false
HideGender = false
HideHPText = false
HideHPBar = false
HideElements = false
HideStats = false
HidePassives = false
HideCaught = false
HidePalsInBox = false
HideDrops = false

CenterDrops = false

UIOpacity = 0.55

LookDistance = 30000

UntilHideDuration = 5

UI_X_Position = 4
UI_Y_Position = 4

UI_X_Scale = 1
UI_Y_Scale = 1