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Short description

Always looking for originality and weird ideas, we had a revelation: we’re going to put the Minecraft community to sport! Very ambitious project I agree, but what if this sport was a kind of bloody magic rugby that is played without getting up from his chair? Here are exclusive ladies and gentlemen: Witchery! an indescribable map, literally.


Witchery is a map incorporating an advanced ball physics, allowing among other things to bounce on all surfaces, just like … One bullet! You will be able to feign your enemies by throwing the ball against the walls to retrieve it immediately after, making two with your friends (if you have one). In short, it’s up to you to develop your attack and defense strategies, alone or as a team, in this magical new sport!


“Foul, Mr. Referee! He killed my friend! Fortunately, in Witchery, it’s quite allowed! Indeed, you will have a large magic wand to cast a spell straight in front of you, slightly injuring the enemies (any connotation on any subject is unintentional). You can also tap them by hand and bring them down!
Not enough for you? Perfect, because we thought of the most degenerate of you and put in place kits. One of them allows the quick and brutal execution of enemies in order to break their rhythm. Two other kits are available: striker and defender.The first allows you to have advantages over the movement when the second has long-range ball controls!
So you can create your complex strategies by giving each member a role, and let the best man win!





  • KubbyDev: Concept and development
  • LeiRoF: Development Aid – Trailer
  • theogiraudet: Development aid
  • Azroder: Construction
  • locolven: Construction
  • TitiRomain: Construction
  • Parad0x: Construction
  • Mayon_eZ: Construction
  • Whurauk: Construction
  • DrCreep69: Construction
  • Magistralium: Resource pack – Construction aid
  • DYSYX: Tester – Surface Technician


More information + resource-pack download

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