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This resource pack is completed for Minecraft 1.13.2 and will no longer be updated for newer versions!

- For a similar pack for Minecraft 1.14+ click here to check out "Vanilla PBR", the successor of Default Improved!

- If you're just looking for more detailed vanilla textures and don't care about shader support, click here to check out "Better Texts 10" by InFuryate


I'm a big fan of the Vanilla textures and always tried to find resource packs that are close to default. However, many of the good ones are outdated and/or don't have normal and specular maps included which I really like to have since I'm using shaders almost all the time.

So, one lonely weekend I decided I would make my own textures - and that I did. Basically I scaled the vanilla textures up to 64x64 pixels and added some details to them that don't destroy the vanilla style. As a matter of fact at high or medium distances you probably won't notice the difference, just the closeup shows way more detail.

There are addons available for:

  • Biomes O' Plenty
  • Storage Drawers
  • Quark

Check the files tab for the mod addons. If you are viewing this from you can switch to the project site to get access to the mod addons.

3rd party addons for:


If you have weird colored lines and areas on blocks like bricks, make sure to check your shader settings and set the parallax occlusion map size to 64.


You can use this resource pack in your mod packs if you don't make any money off it and you can redistribute it on any non-English or non-German speaking websites if you give credits to me and use the curse or alternative download links.

Basically any usage is fine as long as you don't claim to be the creator and you don't make money off the pack.