This resource pack gives the Air Balloons, Floaters, Shore Buffers and Sticky Buffers from Davinci's Vessels connected textures, for a more seamless experience.
[v1.0.2] In addition, the item models of several items have been adjusted to improve the way they look in the player's hand, item frames and the GUI. This includes increasing the scale of some items, rotating them to display the item better and shifting their position slightly.
Adjusted item models
The ConnectedTexturesMod (CTM) is required for this resource pack to work.
Let me know if you would find a version that uses Optifine instead of CTM useful and I might make one.
The Connected Textures for Davinci's Vessels resource pack was initially created for use in my First Mole on the Moon modpack.
You might also be interested in my Connected Textures for Galacticraft resource pack.