Day clear
Night clear
Night rain
Day rain
Day rain 2
A fabulous picture taken by Clockwork Mage and sent to me over on our discord.
Another beautiful picture sent to me by Clockwork Mage on our discord. Taken with his modpack (linked in the main post).
Pic from Enrique on our discord.
Pic from Enrique on our discord.
Pic from Enrique on our discord.
Picture was taken by Enrique on the discord.
Screenshot taken by "that one swedish birb#0342" on our discord
v1.2.6 Ferris Wheel Day
V1.2.6 City Night
V1.2.7 With water waves disabled
Showing off the changeable water colors and other various features coming.
A picture from u/EroiiKZz on reddit displaying a path to their tavern. Link to original: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/bv7ite/i_really_like_this_path_to_my_tavern/