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Wold's Vaults - Vault Hunters 3 Expanded

Welcome to Wold's Vaults, the most feature-packed spin off of the original Vault Hunters 3 pack there is! It includes everything you know and love from the incredible Vault Hunters 3rd Edition pack, but ups the ante with LOTS of new mods, all integrated into Vault Hunter's research system and with appropiate recipes, but also entirely brand new features like new vault gear, new loot items, and a way to craft Creative items!

Want even more info? Join the brand new official Wold's Vaults discord!

Note: Wold's Vaults is not affiliated with iskall85 in any way.

A massive new research tree! Note: There are even MORE mods in the latest version!

What is Vault Hunters?

Vault Hunters is an RPG based modpack focusing around the mysteries and dangers of a dimension called The Vault. It features many Vault Hunters specific items and mobs, like armor, weapons, totems, currency and bosses. Players can develop their own talents and abilities while trying to achieve the goal of collecting all the 25 unique artifacts to unlock the final challenge!

      Tons of new items and blocks. This isn't even *close* to the number of additional items and blocks these days!

Brand New Additions:

This pack has lots of fresh new ingredients to the Vault Hunters formula, here's a brief overview of some of them!

* New Vault Gear: The Vault Battlestaff and Vault Trident. Battlestaff's are two-handed weapons with extra implicits, high attack speed, and lots of on-hit chance! Tridents work just like vanilla Tridents, but the implicits determine your level and ability of your Trident. There are also Boomerangs called Vault-a-rangs, similar to Quark's Pickarang.

* Smashed Vault Gems: Instead of getting a lousy nothing from your vault ores sometimes, now you'll get a Smashed Vault Gem instead! You can use some of these and some other materials to create a new Gem Box to try and roll for those echo gems you've been needing...

Supply Box and Augment Box: You like boxes? This pack has a few additions to the box roster, the Supply Box contains ingredients that are useful for crafting all of those modded items for that project you'll eventually get around to... and the Augment Box gifts you a random Augment! You can craft one of those from 4 of any augment and a little bit of materials. There are even more boxes like Inscription Boxes, Omega Boxes... we're box crazy!

New Objectives: Wold's Vaults currently contains a few new twists on objectives you know and love! Try out Unhinged Scavenger HuntHaunted Braziers, Enchanted Elixir, Ballistic Bingo, Zealot, and Offering Boss  for a fun new twist on your favorite vaults.

* Creative Items: With the addition of the Wold Star you can craft super powerful Creative items! Good luck getting your hand on the materials for one though...

Vault Salvager: A faster and more spacious version of the Vault Recycler!

* More Coins: Vault Platinum not enough for you? Check out Vault Palladium and Vault Iridium, the new members of the vault currency family.

Evolved Vault Combat: This pack integrates Parcool for lots of new movement tools and Better Combat to make combat more interesting.

  • And so much more: The pack has lots of tweaks and additional QoL that aren't even listed here!

    Want more info or want to join player's playing this pack?

    Join us on Discord!

    Or Join one of the Official Wold's Vaults Server!:
    vaults2.iwolfking (SkyVaults)

    OR Check out one of the community servers!

    PogCraft (EU):
    Xverion's Wold's Server (EU):
    ThaMaTTer's Wold's Server:
    woldsvh-s1.mpnhost.comMasuCraft's Wold's Server:


Want your server listed here? DM me on Curseforge or Discord!