The aims of this mod-pack s to have fun with heavy mechanics, massive multi-blocks, technologies that could goes boom and science.
Because we do what we must because we can.
Applied Energistics is here, but heavily high-tier.
It's not the only concept here, we have world-drop that mean that you can fall into the nether, fly to the moon or even further to the asteroid belt called "The End", but at this altitude, the combustions vapours will make you see things...(coming soon)
Is that all ? Is there any lore ?
Nope. The world is in deep s$*t with living dead coming in packs to get you at night, calls for help more and more creatures !
The "End is nigh" is to conjugate past tense.
CTRL-F "friendly" modlist:
- MB_Battlegear2-Bullseye-
- accidentallycircumstantialevents-1.12.2.jar
- AdvancedSpawnControl-0.9.1.jar
- AgriCraft1.5.0.jar
- AOBD-2.9.1.jar
- appliedenergistics2-rv3-beta-5.jar
- Aroma1997Core1.0.2.16.jar
- AromaBackup0.1.0.0.jar
- AutoSapling-1.1.jar
- Baubles1.0.1.10.jar
- BetterFoliage2.0.9.jar
- BiblioCraft[v1.11.4][].jar
- BiblioWoods[ExtraBiomesXL][v1.4].jar
- BiblioWoods[Highlands][v1.4].jar
- BigDoors1.1.0.jar
- bigtrees-0.2-.jar
- biomestats-v1.0.1.jar
- BlockProperties0.1.5.jar
- BNBGamingLib-2.3.2.jar
- Carpenter's Blocks v3.3.7 - MC .jar
- Chisel2-
- ChiselTones1.0-3.jar
- ChunkAnimator1.0.1.jar
- CodeChickenCore1.0.7.47-universal.jar
- CoFHCore-3.1.2-325.jar
- CoFHLib-1.1.1-181.jar
- CoFHTweaks-1.1.3B2-92.jar
- CondensedOres V12a.jar
- ContentTweaker-1.0.5.jar
- CookieCore1.4.0-11.jar
- coroutil1.1.5.jar
- craftingcraft1.0.13.jar
- craftingtweaks1.0.82.jar
- CreeperCollateral-1.0.0B3-15.jar
- CustomMainMenu1.9.2.jar
- CustomMobSpawner
- darkcore-0.3-86.jar
- Deep Sea Diving
- denseores-1.6.2.jar
- Ding-v2.jar
- Dragon's Radio Mod1.7.1.jar
- DragonAPI V12e.jar
- DynamicSurroundings1.0.5.6.jar
- ElectricalAge_BETA-1.10_r50.jar
- ElectriCraft V12c.jar
- Enchiridion 22.0.2a.jar
- EnderCore0.2.0.33_beta.jar
- EnderOre1-0-4.jar
- Ewy's Workshop-1.1.1.jar
- extrabiomesxl_-3.16.4.jar
- Farseek-1.0.11.jar
- FastFlyBlockBreaking0.1-build-1.jar
- FastLeafDecay1.4.jar
- FlatSignsuniversal-
- Fluxed-Core-MC1710-1.0.9.jar
- fmpintegration-1.2.2-.jar
- fognerf0.4.jar
- FoodDetails1.0.0.jar
- FragileTorches1.0.0.jar
- glassplus(1.0.0).jar
- HardCoreMapReset-2.2.0.jar
- HeartsBar1.0.jar
- HelpFixer-1.0.7.jar
- Highlands-1.7.2-v-2.2.3.jar
- iChunUtil-4.2.2.jar
- IguanaTinkerTweaks2.1.6.jar
- ImmersiveEngineering-0.7.5.jar
- immersiveintegration-0.6.8.jar
- INpureCore-1.0.0B9-62.jar
- InventoryTweaks-1.59-dev-152.jar
- ironchest6.0.60.741-universal.jar
- IronChestMinecarts-1.0.4.jar
- Jabba-1.2.1a_.jar
- journeymap5.1.4-unlimited.jar
- JustAFewFish-1.4.1_for_.jar
- KoreSample1.3.2.jar
- Ladders-0.5.0-.jar
- latticemod1.0.jar
- lavafurnace-0.1.jar
- lookingglass0.2.0.00.jar
- LunatriusCore1.1.2.21-universal.jar
- magneticraft-0.6.1-final.jar
- malisiscore0.14.3.jar
- malisisdoors1.13.2.jar
- Mantle0.3.2b.jar
- Minechem5.0.5.406.jar
- MineTweaker33.0.10B.jar
- MmmMmmMmmMmm1.9.jar
- MobAmputation-4.0.1.jar
- ModTweaker2-0.9.5.jar
- MumbleLink4.1.1-2b3035b.jar
- neiaddons-
- NEIIntegration1.1.2.jar
- NetherOres-2.3.1-22.jar
- No Nether Needed 1.3.jar
- NoMobSpawningOnTrees-1.1.2-.jar
- NoMoreRecipeConflict-0.3.jar
- NoNausea1.0.jar
- NotEnoughItems1.0.5.118-universal.jar
- NotEnoughKeys3.0.0b45-dev-universal.jar
- NotEnoughResources0.1.0-122.jar
- OceanFloor1.0.0.jar
- omnifluids1.2.0.jar
- OpenBlocks1.5.1.jar
- OpenModsLib0.9.1.jar
- OpenModularTurrets2.2.2-217.jar
- OreGenAnything1.0.jar
- OverworldQuartz-1.0.0universal.jar
- Pam's Get all the Seeds a.jar
- Pam's HarvestCraft Lb.jar
- Pam's Mob Drop Crops
- PassthroughSigns1.0.1.B3-universal.jar
- ping1.1.1.jar
- Ping-1.7.X-1.0.3.B7-universal.jar
- PneumaticCraft1.12.7-150-universal.jar
- PortalGun-4.0.0-beta-6.jar
- ProjectRed4.7.0pre12.95-Base.jar
- ProjectRed4.7.0pre12.95-Compat.jar
- ProjectRed4.7.0pre12.95-Integration.jar
- ReactorCraft V12d.jar
- RealBench-1.2.0.jar
- RealTimeClock0.2.jar
- ResourceLoader1.3.jar
- RotaryCraft V12e.jar
- RPGAdvMod-1.0.0_.jar
- SoundFilters-0.8_for_1.7.X.jar
- Stackie1.6.0.36-universal.jar
- StacksOnStacks2.4.3.jar
- StorageDrawers1.9.7.jar
- StorageDrawers-Misc1.1.2.jar
- Streams-0.2.jar
- supercraftingframe-.3.jar
- Sync-4.0.0.jar
- tardismod0.994-124-DS.jar
- TConstruct1.8.8.build991.jar
- TiCTooltips1.2.5.jar
- tinkersdefense-1.3.4a.jar
- tinker_iorelease 1.5.0.jar
- Torcherino2.2s.jar
- trashslot1.0.31.jar
- TravellersGear1.16.6.jar
- TSteelworks1.1.2-20.jar
- TwoGraves-1710.1.1.jar
- VeganOption0.1.2+8.9bb96.jar
- Waila-1.5.10_.jar
- WailaHarvestability1.1.6.jar
- wastewood-0.1.0.jar
- Waterproof 1.0-1.jar
- Wawla-1.3.3-.jar
- WoodenBuckets0.0.3b8-universal.jar
- Ztones2.2.1.jar
- StartingInventory-universal-.r03.jar
- Treecapitator-universal-2.0.4.jar