Description (Short Version)
Some Stellar Survivor is a hardcore modpack that focuses around Minecolonies, Astral Sorcery and Tinkers' Construct. It is heavily focused on realism - the nether and the end do not exist, and so do many vanilla features - netherite, potions, enchanting, creepers, endermen, only to name a few.
Instead, the pack focuses on your journey as a sorcerer expelled from the Astral Academy trying to find your way through this land. Perform magic miracles, forge your very own tool, and build the most flourishing city the world has ever seen!
The modpack is supported by a vast amount of vanilla+ mods. Quark, Pam's Harvestcraft, JEI, Inspirations, Ceramics, Alex's Mobs and Terraforged are the most notable of those.
Description (Long Version)
Please check out https://github.com/IchHabeHunger54/SomeStellarSurvivor/blob/master/README.md.
Issues and Bugs
In general, if you find a bug, I urge you to join the Discord server and report the bug there. I do this because very often (though definitely not always), issues come from users doing stuff they are not supposed to do. Once I confirm that the bug is my or a mod's fault, please open an issue on GitHub.