is a questing skyblock modpack focused on Technology and Exploration.
Difficulty is higher and the exploration more extensive than SkyT1.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, SkyT2 is made for you. The hundreds of quests will guide you during your adventure.
Automated manufacturing processes and boss battles are the 2 main elements of the modpack.
You'll need to build and upgrade numerous custom and mutliblock machines to complete your adventure (such as a telescope, space miner etc.).
Hundreds of recipes have been modified to create perfect balance, consistency and challenge.
Modpack's progression works by age (or tier).
You'll need to explore a large part of your Age to move on to the next.
• Discovering the spawn structure
• Mining & combat in the Mining Dimension
• Item storage and sorting system
• Using the Create mod
• Exploring the Aether and the Nether
• Electrifying the Create network
• Exploration of the End
• Building Immersive Engineering machines
• Resource production with Spirit mod & addons
• Recipe automation with Applied Energistics network
• Beginning of Mekanism & Industrial Foregoing
• Space travel, planet discovery & Boss battles
• Resource production with Mystical Agriculture & custom machines
• Development of craft types with Extended Crafting
• Improved energy production system
• Use of PSI mod (optional)
• End-game multiblock construction (Telescope, Astral Miner...)
• Automation of complex items
• Construction of the Stargate
• Item creation and creative blocks
• Discovering the hidden dimension
• End of modpack
This pack isn't compatible with Optifine.
Shaders are compatibles.
Minimum Allocated RAM 6Gb.
Recommended Allocated RAM 8Gb.