Project Equivalence is an expert modpack revolving around the ProjectE mod. It’s conception was inspired by TheLimePixel’s pack, Equivalent Skies, in which you are started with a Transmutation Tablet and Tome of Knowledge. The goal of this pack, however, is to craft the Final Star from ProjectEX (an add-on to ProjectE). This will not be an easy task, as most of the recipes and EMC values for items have been changed. the Quest line was remade via Ftb Quests and should be better for showing the progression line. This modpack contains 200+ mods, and will need at least 6 GB of allocated RAM to run well.
Preview of the custom worlds you can choose!
The Youtuber HunterX Playing My Modpack on the Bedrock box world!
The Youtuber Milan77 playing on the Iron Haven Mine World!
The Youuber Sirlanz Playing the modpack on the platform world!
if you have completed the modpack and have proof contact me on discord and i will add a custom item into the pack!
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