Nightmares run from this place. | Winner of FTB's "Jampacked 2"
Welcome to Obscurity!
A lightweight, highly customised, quest-based modpack created by SnowShock35 and JohnnyMobbins. It was the winning entry to FTB's "Jampacked 2" competition held in 2015 which earned its popularity within the modded community. The modpack features a custom map that introduces a whole new survival experience to Minecraft - never seen before - in which the darkness is the enemy and light is the key to your survival.
What are you waiting for? The world's survival lies within your hands...
> DISCLAIMER: To ensure the smoothest gameplay experience, please use the latest version of Java 8 and allocate a minimum of 4GB of RAM to Minecraft.
Official Launch Trailer
To learn more about the modpack you can watch the official launch trailer by clicking the thumbnail below.
"Earth has begun to feel the effects of man’s hunger for resources and ruthless destruction of the environment. People have begun to worry about what will be left for the future. Something has to be done. A group of highly-trained physicists have been working on something new and very dangerous. World Compression! Although we intended to save the Earth, it seems it may now be trapped. You are now the only one who can save us all. There’s no turning back, you must save the world, as time is running out."
Modpack Contents
This modpack contains the following mods:
- Forge by ForgeDevTeam
- { JSONAbles } (by Jaredlll08)
- Accidentally Circumstantial Events(ACE) (by zavvias)
- Another One Bites the Dust (by ganymedes01)
- AppleCore (by squeek502)
- Applied Energistics 2 (by AlgorithmX2)
- Aroma1997Core (by Aroma1997)
- AromaBackup (by Aroma1997)
- Bagginses (by LordDusk)
- Baubles (by Azanor13)
- BiblioCraft (by Nuchaz)
- Big Reactors (by _ForgeUser23750043)
- Carpenter's Blocks (by _ForgeUser7446961)
- ChickenChunks (by Chicken_Bones)
- Chisel (by tterrag1098)
- CodeChickenCore (by Chicken_Bones)
- CoFH Core (by TeamCoFH)
- CoFH Lib (by TeamCoFH)
- Compact Machines (by davenonymous)
- CraftTweaker (by Jaredlll08)
- Custom Main Menu (by Lumien231)
- Ding (by ohaiiChun)
- Ender IO (by CrazyPants_MC)
- Ender Storage (by Chicken_Bones)
- EnderTech (by Carrot)
- Enhanced Inventories (by animeniac7)
- Extra Utilities (by RWTema)
- Fast Leaf Decay (by olafskiii)
- FastCraft (by sfPlayer1)
- FlatSigns (by Myrathi)
- Forge Multi Part (by Chicken_Bones)
- Hardcore Questing Mode (by LordDusk)
- Headcrumbs (by ganymedes01)
- iChunUtil (by ohaiiChun)
- Iguanas Tinker Tweaks (by bonusboni)
- InfiniBows (Infinity Bow Fix) (by Myrathi)
- INpureCore (by _ForgeUser16919252)
- Inventory Tweaks (by JimeoWan)
- Jabba (by ProfMobius)
- JourneyMap (by techbrew)
- LaunchGUI (by TehNut)
- Lava Monsters (by ModdingLegacy)
- LibSandstone (by _ForgeUser10605471)
- Lockdown (by TheAdubbz)
- Mankini (by MasterAbdoTGM50)
- Mantle (by mDiyo)
- Mob Amputation (by ohaiiChun)
- ModTweaker (by Jaredlll08)
- Morpheus (by Quetzi)
- NEI Addons (by bdew)
- NEI Integration (by tonius11)
- No Nether Needed - Resurrected (by SnowShock35)
- NotEnoughItems (by Chicken_Bones)
- Obscurity Tweaks (by SnowShock35)
- Open Modular Turrets (by Keridos)
- OpenBlocks (by OpenMods)
- OpenModsLib (by OpenMods)
- Pam's HarvestCraft (by pamharvestcraft)
- Perfect Spawn (by Lumien231)
- Progressive Automation (by VanhalPlays)
- Quadrum (by dmillerw)
- Redstone Arsenal (by TeamCoFH)
- Reliquary (by _ForgeUser6954937)
- Resource Loader (by Lumien231)
- Shut The F#\$% Up (by 61352151511)
- Simply Jetpacks (by tonius11)
- Sound Filters (by Tmtravlr)
- sprinklesforvanilla (by VikeStep)
- Steve's Addons (by _ForgeUser16618358)
- Steve's Carts 2 (by _ForgeUser7319596)
- Steve's Factory Manager (by _ForgeUser7319596)
- Thaumcraft (by Azanor13)
- Thaumcraft NEI Plugin (by DjGiannuzz)
- Thaumcraft Node Tracker (by Dyonovan)
- Thaumic Tinkerer (by Nekosune)
- Thermal Dynamics (by TeamCoFH)
- Thermal Expansion (by TeamCoFH)
- Thermal Foundation (by TeamCoFH)
- Thermal Smeltery (by Drullkus)
- TiC Tooltips (by squeek502)
- Tinkers Construct (by mDiyo)
- ttCore (by tterrag1098)
- Waila (by ProfMobius)
- Waila Harvestability (by squeek502)
- Warp Book (by ferreusveritas)
- WR-CBE-Universal (by Chicken_Bones)
Resource Packs
This modpack contains the following resource packs:
Modpack Installation
This modpack is installed using the Twitch Desktop App. The Twitch App can be downloaded from their website and installation instructions for packs in the app can be found in this article on the Twitch support website.
Modpack Feedback
Are you experiencing issues or have a suggestion to make? Then let us know on our GitHub feedback repository. Be sure to give in-depth details of the issue you're experiencing to help us fix issues more quickly. Give Feedback.
Is this project dead?
No. Obscurity is certainly not dead and a port to newer Minecraft versions is under way.
Why were there no files on this project for some time?
There were some issues. Read this post on Reddit.
Why are you still actively developing on 1.7.10?
I'm not. I dislike using old versions of the game especially ones that are as old as 1.7.10. Had the project not been taken down it would've been left as is. However, I have worked to restore this version for nostalgia reasons. There will likely be no new versions for 1.7.10 from the end of 2020.
Where is JohnnyMobbins?
I have no idea.
Release Notes
Release Notes (or changelogs) for this modpack are available for each release under the files tab.
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Our Discord community is a great place to chat with others and get the latest news about Obscurity. Join our Discord Server.
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Server Hosting
Thanks to the wonderful people at CreeperHost, you can receive 15% off your first month hosting. Just click the banner below or use the code snowshock35xbe
to receive your 1 month discount.
- SnowShock35 - Director and Lead Developer
- JohnnyMobbins - Former Director and Author
- AKTheKnight - Former Contributor (trailer)
- LyraelRayne - Former Contributor
- Runew0lf - Former Contributor (voice actor)
- VikeStep - Former Contributor (custom mods)
- CyanideX - Pack Artist & Permission to use Unity
Credits to all the modpack testers, mod authors, CreeperHost, Curse and FTB for all playing their part in the making of this project. An extra special thank you to JohnnyMobbins for his support as a friend and buying me a ticket to Minecon 2015.
© 2020 Team Obscurity