This pack was created collaboratively by a group of coworkers for our server.
The main focus is placed on exploration and adventuring, with some common QoL improvements and the occasional requested one-off mod. The major content additions are listed below, but this list is not comprehensive:
- World Additions:
- Alex's Caves
- Alex's Mobs
- Blue Skies
- Born in Chaos
- Most structures are configured to not spawn
- Bosses of Mass Destruction
- Terralith
- The Deep Void
- Waystones
- When Dungeons Arise
- Only a few of the largest dungeons are configured to spawn, and they are much rarer than usual.
- YUNG's Collection
- Better Mineshafts is excluded
- Gameplay Changes/New Mechanics:
- Arch Bows
- Better Combat & Better Weaponry
- Configurable Death
- Create
- Dispenser Bazooka Mod
- Try this out! It's fun!
- Gliders
- Gravestones
- Immersive Aircraft
- Nature's Compass & Explorer's Compass
- Sophisticated Backpacks
- Storage Drawers
- Tough as Nails
- Quality of Life Changes:
- Ambient Sounds & Ambient Environment
- Battle Music
- Distant Horizons
- HT's TreeChop
- Jade
- Not Enough Animations
- Paintings ++
- Traveler's Titles
- and too many more to list...
Notes for First Time Players:
- Press M to open the map.
- Nature's and Explorer's compasses are useful early-game tools for locating specific biomes or structures.
- The Glider and Backpack are also easy to craft and great to have early-game.
- The new dimensions added are the Everbright, Everdawn, and Deep Void. To enter the Everbright and Everdawn, you'll need to locate a specific cabin in the overworld and trade with it's inhabitant. The only way to enter The Deep Void is to fall into the void in the Overworld; There is a temple at coordinates 0,0 at bedrock-depth that will make this possible.
- Combat works a little differently now: hold LMB while holding a weapon to cycle through that weapon's combo. It's more intuitive than it sounds, trust me.
- There are a lot of new ranged and melee weapons, as well as shields, craftable at all tiers.
- New bosses are scattered about all dimensions (except the Deep Void) that drop extremely useful gear if defeated. See the Bosses of Mass Destruction documentation for more info.
- Tough as Nails brings Temperature management and thirst to the table. Make sure to craft a thermometer early on, and remember to build a thermo-regulator into your settlements. (Or just disable the mod. Remember this is always an option.)
- On death, you will drop a gravestone containing all your curios and main inventory, including your backpack. You will also lose 50% of your experience and all equipped gear will lose 10% durability. You will keep all equiped items and everything in your hotbar. Like everything else, this can be configured to your liking (see /defaultconfig for the Configurable Death options).
And as always, please head to the comments for any suggestions or discovered bugs.