
MC Eternal Lite

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*MC.Eternal just got a little lighter, perfect for those who have lower-end computers and still want to play Eternal!*

Comes with some fun little extras such as Astral Sorcery and Wizardry's Twilight Forest Expansion!

*Now Available*







Minecraft server hosting

Play with your friends by creating a server at BisectHosting! By using BisectHosting with our modpack you can instantly get 25% OFF your first month of hosting.

Simply click the promo below and use code: Eternal to get your discount today!

Minecraft server hosting

Server Recommendations:

BisectHosting offers a quick, simple, and quality solution. After your purchase, the server is already configured and ready to use! MC Eternal is recommended to have at least 5.5GB+

(8GB for maximum performance)


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