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DragonForge has been reborn.

I have spent hundreds of hours on this pack. This is my next attempt at building something different and enjoyable.

Now running on Minecraft version: 1.21.1 - NeoForge 21.1.117

I Recommend at least: 8GB of Ram

My server running this pack *WILL BE* listed in multiplayer *EVENTUALLY*  There is MUCH I need to build, tweak and learn to do.


This is a complete rebuild of the world and the mod list... 


DragonForge is for new as well as veteran players looking for a challenge.

My pack has a few Tech mods like Industrial Foregoing, Applied Energistics 2, Sophisticated Storage and Backpacks to name a few.

I will be adding several magic mods to add to the melee combat.

Many additional dimensions have been added to extend exploration as well as several terrain altering and mob enhancing mods to flesh out the world and give exploration an unexpected challenge.

DragonForge also has many other support mods that work well together. Such as Quest NPCs to add a flare of RPG that is coupled with FTB questing.

There will be an auto ranking system server side that gets expanded on frequently rewarding players with useful tools.

As this build grows Mods will be added and removed until I find a fun and balanced gameplay experience.

You can expect hours of enjoyment to be had by those looking for tech mixed with magic and exploration driven by questing.

Definitely more work needs to be done as this is a bare pack at the moment.

There is more fun to come, expect frequent updates as I go.

Expect to die often!

Night Time brings a whole new level of fear!