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Welcome to Complex Gaming - Pixelmon! We are a dedicated modpack team that enhances your pixelmon experience with additional mods and features. We also have regular feature updates and bug fixes to the modpack.
Explore the depths of the pixelmon world (Generations 1-9) and compete aganist trainers around the world! Will you be the best trainer of them all and conquer all of the gyms, or will you be doomed in our endless world of battling/exploring? There is no modpack like this ever seen before, make sure to give it a try!
This modpack is specifically designed to enhance/improve the pixelmon experience. Play alone or with friends on our official or sponsored server listed on the modpack by default. These servers are listed because they have shown dedication to the modpack and have high quality servers that everyone can enjoy.
Discord: discord.gg/complexpixel
Server Website: https://www.mc-complex.com/
Pixelmon's Website: https://reforged.gg/ & https://pixelmonmod.com/
Mods List:
- Pixelmon (Latest Version) , Journey map, advanced pixelmon addons, weekly rewards, custom pokemon & abilities + generations 1-9 + more.
Battlertower & Elite4:
Custom pokemon obtainable in Multiplayer with friends:
Curseforge themed Pokemon:
Public Arena's to Battle with Friends: