
Congratulations on choosing the Arboghast curriculum for your culinary endeavors! This guidebook will walk you through constructing your farm and kitchen, mastering the various culinary arts required, and preparing for the Feast of the Dragon. Along the way, you’ll learn how the world’s magic works, and explore a fair amount in search of rare ingredients.

The Arboghast Culinary Academy boasts the highest survival rate of any school preparing chefs for the Draconic Challenge. Follow our exacting guidelines and put in the work we require, and you’ve got a good chance of serving the courses and not ending up as the main one.


ChefQuest treats food mods the way tech mods are usually handled, creating a multi-path progression through the Let's Do series, Pam's HarvestCraft 2, and the Farmer's Delight series. No actual tech mods are provided: your farming automation is magical, using Ars Nouveau. Storage mods include Storage Drawers, Iron Chests, and Tom's Simple Storage. Decoration mods include Macaw's, Chipped, Handcrafted, and Workshop for Handsome Adventurer. This is a lightweight pack designed to be cozy and to run on a singleplayer instance. 


SEO: cooking food magic meadow dairy vinery wine beer brew tea farming